Getting a home loan just got easier!

Honolulu Home Loans

Honolulu Home Loans

One of the most asked questions these days is “When will lenders loosen their requirements for obtaining a home loan?” Honolulu Home Loans, one of the top mortgage companies in Hawaii, has just introduced several new loan programs to help buyers purchase their slice of paradise.

Their new loans programs make it easier to obtain obtaining financing for unwarrantable properties such as condotels and properties in litigation.  Additionally, their programs also apply to foreign nationals who are ineligible for conforming loans backed by mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Honolulu HomeLoans said.

If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact Alan Fentriss, Senior Vice President at 808-927-3401 or by email at [email protected]

Read the Original Article Here: New Honolulu HomeLoans program targets borrowers with financing challenges


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