Green Building Resources
US Green Building Council The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a non-profit organization committed to expanding sustainable building practices. USGBC is composed of more than 15,000 organizations from across the building industry that are working to advance structures that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. Members includes building owners and end-users, real estate developers, facility managers, architects, designers, engineers, general contractors, subcontractors, product and building system manufacturers, government agencies, and nonprofits.
US Green Building Council Hawaii Chapter
Green Home Guide A great resource published by the The U.S. Green Building Council.
LEED Certification Leed means Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. In the United States, and in a number of other countries around the work, LEED certification is the recognized standard for measuring building sustainability. Achieving LEED certification is the best way to demonstrate a project is truly “green.”
Energy Star Enery Star is an international standard for energy efficientconsumer products. It was first created as a United States government program in 1992, but Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and the European Union have also adopted the program. Devices carrying the Energy Star logo, such as computer products and peripherals, kitchen appliances, buildings and other products, save 20%-30% on average.
Greenspec Directory The online Greenspec directory lists product descriptions for over 2,100 products environmentally preferable products. Products are chosen to be listed by the Green Building editors. They do not charge for listings and they do not sell ads.
Green Building Pages Green Building Pages is an online sustainable design and decision making tool for building industry professionals and environmentally and socially responsible consumers.
Green2Green features comprehensive information green building products, materials, and practices. This site offers side by side comparisons of products using a variety of environmental, technical, and economic criteria.
Oikos Oikos is a website devoted to serving professionals whose work promotes sustainable design and construction.
The Green Guide National Geographic’s Green Guide offers staff written reviews of a host of products, ranging from appliances, home furnishings, and home improvement products to personal care and pet supplies.
Good To Be Green Good to be Green is a directory of green building products, sustainable building materials and green building service providers. Products must: be made out of recycled materials, ensure a low environmental impact during construction, operation and/or demolition of the building; conserve natural resources like energy, wood, & water; and improve air quality.
Sustainable Campaigns
Repower America ( ) America faces unprecedented economic, environmental and national security challenges. We urgently need new jobs, stable energy prices, and freedom from dirty fossil fuels and global warming pollution. Finally, there’s a solution as big as our problems: a bold plan to Repower America with 100% clean electricity within 10 years.
The We Campaign ( )The We Campaign is a project of The Alliance for Climate Protection – a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort founded by Nobel laureate and former Vice President Al Gore. The goal of the Alliance is to build a movement that creates the political will to solve the climate crisis — in part through repowering America with 100 percent of its electricity from clean energy sources within 10 years. Our economy, national security, and climate can’t afford to wait.
Local Green Living & Environmentally Friendly Businesses
Fleabusters of Hawaii ( Offering organic treatments for the following: Interior Flea Treatment and Exterior Treatment for ants, Roaches, Ticks & Mites.
Re-Use Hawaii ( A non-profit company specializing in home DE-construction & material salvage. Re-use Hawaii will perform demolition work, salvage useful materials, and give the homeowner a tax write off when the project is complete. A WIN-WIN-WIN situation!
Green Sand Inc. ( Architectural Firm that Specializes in geen design & building. Matt & Rhonda Goyke are top green professionals, and are extremely involved in the USGBC and LEED programs.
Clean Green Home ( We clean, sanitize, and disinfect your home by using all natural cleaning products with the added benefit of essential oils. All cleaning products are organic and made in Hawaii.
US Green Building Council ( The U.S. Green Building Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community of leaders working to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation.
Styrophobia ( We are locally based and bring to market a fair priced range of biodegradable & compostable takeout containers, plates, food service and packaging products for use in restaurants, schools, companies, and cafeterias. We carry takeout containers, sugar cane plates, disposable cups and utensils including bioplastic bags, PLA cups and containers.
Sun Tech Hawaii (www. Suntech Hawaii is a full service renewable energy firm and the largest locally owned and operated solar integrator in Hawaii. Our company designs, develops, and installs solar photovoltaic and hot water systems throughout the Hawaiian Islands. While many firms separate system design and deployment by subcontracting the installation process, Suntech Hawaii’s end-to-end approach ensures maximum oversight and quality control.
Little Sprouts( Little Sprouts sells primarily eco-friendly items for infants and children up to 4 years of age. We’re here to show you that items that help the environment can be just as cute and stylish! Our store includes organic clothing, natural toys, soft and hard-soled shoes, hip diaper bags, the best skin care for baby, slings, carriers, cloth diapers, blankets, burp cloths, towels, PVC-free bottles, and so much more. Store Hours Sun 12-5pm Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 629A Kailua Rd, Kailua, HI 96734 (next to Brent’s Deli)